

Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

White Sand Beach

Pasir Putih is located in Nusakambangan island, near Cilacap City. To reach Pasir Putih Beach, you must across the sea by ride a boat that stand in Cilacap's Harbor. After that, you if you have reach in there, you must follow the asphalt way in Nusakambangan Island to reach Pasir Putih Beach by ride a motorcycle or a car.

In every trip to Pasir Putih Beach, you will see many beautiful scenery. And you will see four active prisson, there are Permisan prison, Batu prison, Besi prison, Kembangkuning prison. And there are five inactive prisons
Nirbaya prison, Karanganyar prison Karangtengah prison, Gliger prison,
Limusbuntu prison.

If you have reach in the Pasir Putih Beach, you can see a white sand there. And you will see beautiful wave. And you can see the big sword in front of Pasir Putih Beach stuck to the small island, and you can collect many colorfull shell in there. You can also playing in the water.

Name: Herdian Lucky Pramudito / 15 / XF
M Noerman Khalid / 25 / XF

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